De laatste Dutch Dare van dit jaar... Wij vroegen ons af: waar geloof jij in? Benieuwd naar jullie overtuigingen en denkwijzen zijn wij alvast aan de slag gegaan...
Enne...we hadden nog een RAK beloofd uit te reiken aan één van de Dutch Dare deelnemers van de afgelopen maanden, dat is geworden....drumroll....ratatatatataaaaa: Karin (Mexx). Mail ons even je adres Karin!
Waar geloven wij in?

We try to raise Colin and Michael by teaching them to be considerate for others and to lend a helping hand if needed.
Treat other people like you would like to be treated and you know some days, it works ...

Patterned paper: Angel tapistry, Basic Grey mellow, Hambly overlay, Sassafrass rub-on, AC felt thickers (on megasale now!), Elsie stickers, Sower stickers, buttons 'n bling.
Post je creatie op je blog of op 2peas via deze LINK maar vergeet het ons niet te laten weten. Je maak dan weer kans als we een RAK gaan verloten tussen tenminste 5creaties. Als je hem per mail stuurt naar:, dan plaatsen we hem daar in de gallery van Memory Lane Scrapbooking.
Now the end of the year is coming rapidly near we tend to get a little emotional... (Or maybe that is just the stress of having waited to long with writing our Xmas-cards ;)
The last Dutch Dare of this year... We were wondering: What do you believe in? What is your way of thinking ? We are curious what your beliefs are and we made something about it, now it's your turn show us what you believe in!
And...we promised one more RAK to one of the Dutch Dare entries of the previous months, and the RAK goes to....drumroll please.....Karin (Mexx)!
Play along and show us your best projects and play along for a RAK! (Rak will be given out with at least 5 entries)
Post your project on 2peas via this LINK op or on your blog but be sure to let us know. You can also send your layout or project by email to and we’ll show your creation in the layout gallery!