Wij hebben ons laten inspireren door de vaderlandsche geschiedenis ....

Wil je meedoen met deze dutch dare, post hieronder een linkie naar je creatie op je blog of naar een link op SIStv. Vanaf nu verloten we per keer een leuke RAK! Als je hem ook naar ons mailt dan plaatsen we hem binnenkort in de MLS gallery.
The fresh Dutch Dare is all about your favorite home-made recipe! Please share your creations, layouts or projects with us, we'd love to see what you come up with. Post a link to your blog under this post in the comments section, or link it here on SIStv. And just maybe it could win you a fun RAK! If you email us your creation we'll upload it in the Memory Lane Scrapbooking gallery, this is done manually, so it takes a little more time.
The fresh Dutch Dare is all about your favorite home-made recipe! Please share your creations, layouts or projects with us, we'd love to see what you come up with. Post a link to your blog under this post in the comments section, or link it here on SIStv. And just maybe it could win you a fun RAK! If you email us your creation we'll upload it in the Memory Lane Scrapbooking gallery, this is done manually, so it takes a little more time.