There is so much inspiration to be found everywhere around us! Mandy bought this bag because it made her happy just looking at it! (Ok and it was only 3 euro’s ;) We dare you to use it as inspiration for a layout... feel totally free! If the colors don’t work for you, maybe you find inspiration in the shapes of the different elements on it, or the pattern/design. Whatever you do, have fun!
We’d love to see what you come up with! If you want to play along for a RAK, be sure that we can find your project by leaving a comment here on the blog or via this LINK op 2 peas. You can also send your layout or project by email to dutchdares@memorylanescrapbooking.net and we’ll show your creation in the layout gallery of Memory Lane Scrapbooking.
Here's our takes:

If you want to read some inside-stories about these layouts, check back next week again ;)
Haha! Trees are popular in photography... LOL! Awesome work ladies!
Wonderful work girlsz! Love these bright colors, liefs earane
Woohoo... love all of your takes girls! Great work!
wat een geweldige super lootjes! echt super
hey , ik krijg mijn lo niet gepost en wil toch graag meedoen, dus neem een kijkje op mijn blog en laat er even een berichtje achter als ik toch mee kan doen aan de dare want het is de moeite waard. mijn blog; karinkreijen.blogspot.com. thanks groetjes karin
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